Saturday, April 13, 2019

12 April 2019 - Boston USA

Yesterday was one of those days of endless hours in queues and in airplanes and in the end it all blurs into one exhausting day. All went well until we reached Los Angeles airport where we were to connect to our Boston flight. We were kept waiting in line for immigration and customs for 2.5 hours which meant we were probably going to miss our connecting flight. By the time we emerged from that process we were resigned to the fact that the flight to Boston was gone and were very pleasantly surprised to find when we got the United Airlines desk that the flight had been delayed - what a relief.
We were very pleased to arrive at the Royal Sonesta hotel just after 6pm, dumped our stuff and went straight to dinner at a nearby Cheesecake Shop Restaurant just across the road. Struggled to stay awake during dinner and very relieved to have a shower and collapse into bed.

I woke this morning at 10 am, and Mark had already had a session in the gym. By 10:30 we were ready to hit the road and catch an Uber into the city where we attended the Boston Marathon Expo. This is also the place where Mark had to pick up his number for the expo.
The organisation behind this activity is incredible and very efficient, and within minutes Mark had been issued with his official number and other goodies.
The size of this event becomes apparent when you reach the convention centre where the expo is held. 
Mark's number is 11041 and here he is with the bib he will be wearing during the marathon. As you wait in line for various things you find yourself talking to other runners, and they are here from all around the world. 
Next, it was time to hit the Expo itself with an infinite variety of merchandise especially designed for the event. Mark knew exactly what he wanted but then he had to navigate the lengthy queue to reach the checkout. We are still some days out from the marathon, but the atmosphere here is electric. The marathon day itself is a public holiday and we expect huge crowds here on the day. Now we just need a little cooperation from the weather.

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