Sunday, March 4, 2012

4 March - Robe SA

We left Traralgon yesterday at 9:45 - grey skies and occasional rain. Our general plan is to travel to Adelaide along the coast and from there to Mildura and home via central Victoria. Our day to day movements will be largely dictated by the weather. We travelled along the Great Ocean Road and surprisingly the overcast weather and occasional rain added a dramatic beauty to a scene which we've normally viewed in brilliant sunshine. We stopped briefly at the Twelve Apostles viewing area before continuing on to Warnambool where we had hoped to spend the night. To our surprise the Big4 park there was booked out and so we continued and had our overnight stop in Port Fairy. The rain reduced to a drizzle overnight and by this morning it had stopped. We left Port Fairy at 09:30 after enjoying the complimentary pancake breakfast at the caravan park. Continuing our trek along the coast we arrived at Robe in South Australia at 13:30 and found a terrific caravan park (Lakeside) where we will spend the next couple of days. This afternoon the skies had cleared and now the sun is shining.

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